
- Application of time-based and interactive spatial representations to enhance perceptions of space as a means for experiencing and understanding space in more than 3 dimensions. Applied, while teaching multi-media projects


- Simulation of spatial experiences manipulating physical and sensory experiences not possible in the "real" world. Representing reality through sensory experience, in an abstract rather than literal way, resulting in immersive, multisensory interactive environments which evoke an emotional, individual response unique to each user. Due to technical limitations this is presently restricted to theoretical research


- Cross-discipline research with a geologist into the possibilities of translating empirical data collected in numerical and descriptive form into data realized in visual expressive form with additional implications of interaction.



're:work': 01st November - 20th December, 2002 Groupexhibition, Groupexhibition, Crawford Arts Centre, St.Andrews, Scotland

'Imaginations Chamber': 30th April - 11th May, 2003 Groupexhibition, Gray's School of Art, Aberdeen, Scotland